A good credit rating is built on a number of financial factors including paying your bills on time and the length of your credit history, but loans can also be a source of bolstering your credit score in a positive way. While this means that loans can actually be a good thing, there are also […]
Tag Archives: Home Selling Tips
Can You Get a Mortgage after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge? Yes – But You’ll Have to Wait
There was a time when it was possible to acquire a mortgage shortly after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but with the shifts in the financial sector, the timeline on such a mortgage approval has changed in recent years. If you’re currently undergoing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and are wondering how this will impact home […]
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 15, 2016
Last week’s economic news included reports on job openings, retail sales and recurring reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims. Job openings and hiring increased, which provided further evidence of stronger economic conditions. Retail sales were flat in July, new unemployment claims dropped and mortgage rates changed little. Labor Reports Suggest Stronger Economic Trends […]
Buying a Home This Summer? Use These Four Tips to Uncover Hidden Flaws and Issues
Thinking about a ‘Fixer Upper’? Understanding the Balance Between Purchase and Reno Costs
Fixer uppers can come with huge price benefits and opportunity, as well as problems. Make sure you understand what you’re getting yourself into before you purchase a home that needs significant restoration. Carefully Calculate Do the math very carefully before jumping in. Add up the expected renovation costs based on a thorough evaluation of the […]
Need a DIY Summer Project? How to Paint Your Home’s Exterior in a Weekend or Two
If you want something hands-on to do this summer, look no further than the outside of your house. There are many reasons to refresh the paint job on your house, including increased protection against weathering, and increased curb appeal. Whatever your reason, read on to learn just what you’ll need, and need to do, to […]
Three Key Points to Remember When Investing in a Cottage or Waterfront Getaway
If you’re looking to invest in a cottage or waterfront getaway, there are three key things to keep in mind throughout your search. How’s The House? Even if the lake is the highlight of a property you’re considering, it is important to make sure that the home is equally as great as the beautiful body […]
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 8, 2016
Last week’s economic reports included construction spending, personal income, and multiple reports on employment. Freddie Mac’s mortgage rates survey and new jobless claims were also released. Construction Spending Dips in June According to the Commerce Department, construction spending fell in June to -0.60 percent as compared to expectations of an increase of 0.50 percent and […]
5 Tips to Make Moving With Kids Easier
Sometimes a move is unavoidable, regardless of how much you or your kids’ would rather stay in your current home. If your young ones are not looking forward to a change in scenery, here are a few tips to help them make a smoother transition into their new home. 1. Involve Them Involving your children […]
4 Tips For Negotiating a Better Rental Agreement
Renting is hard. It’s easy to get lost in the length and language of rental agreements, but it’s important not to get discouraged when that happens. Rental agreements are fundamental documents that lay out the details of your tenancy, so when you’re ready to negotiate their terms, give them the attention they deserve with the […]